2- When, after doing two or more days of events in a row, you find yourself thinking that standing and walking like normal humans is slow, unstable, and unnatural.
3-When you pay $160 or more for a single piece of basic equipment (weapon, jacket, shoes etc) and find yourself delighted that it actually lasted almost an entire year.
4- When you suddenly realize all fencers stand en-guarde when talking.
5-You KNOW the opposite of 'dry' is electric
6- When you feel more comfortable sleeping on a copper strip than on your own bed.
7- You don't care if you get a red or green light at an intersection because it has been grilled into your brain that those lights are better.
8-When all your socks are white and knee high.
9- When you realize, and freely admit, that going to fencing IS your social life.
10- When you're watching a movie or tv show and a sword fight breaks out and find yourself evaluating the actors' technique.
11- When you are finished with an argument, you know who really won because you determined the right of way.
12- People think you are in a abusive relationship or have abusive parents, because of your fencing bruises.
13- You know you're a fencer when you realize you're getting frustrated because you don't have enough strength in your hand to properly brush your teeth without the aid of your last 3 fingers.
14- You know they're knickers, not pants.
15- When you still believe you can defend the nation with a sword.
16- When people see you walking down the street or enter the train/subway with your fencing bag they get scared.
17- Or either you are asked if you play guitar.
18- If you believe you can defend yourself from a mugger with an umbrella and a really good lunge.
19- You hurt your hand and as you're standing at the sink rinsing off the blood you think, "oh well. At least it's not my weapon hand"
20- You find yourself falling asleep with your arm in the en garde position, with your hand holding an invisible grip
21- You have uneven leg muscles.
22- If you've ever reflexively tried to parry a "high five."
23- You no longer have left and right legs, but front and back.
24- When you DON'T look at the (traffic) lights because your coach yells at you for it.
25- You know that when you get foilists, saberists, and épée's in the same room, they will argue who is better.
26- Favorite movies/books include but are not limited too The Princess Bride, and Three Musketeers. Anything with fencing basically
27- You tell people white is the new black.
28- You can get straight to the point.
29- You know too many fencing puns and/or jokes. When using them with non-fencing friends, you're the only one who's laughing.
30- Find your opponents or yourself donating lots of blood.
31- Less gab, more stab.
32- Memorized Murphy's Laws of Fencing
33- When everybody was using Chuck Norris facts, you were using the Dan Kellner facts http://www.fencing.net/forums/threa
34- You love when people ask why you have bruises on your arm and explaining how and why the bruises got there.
35- When changing from street clothes to fencing, random things fall out of your pants such as change.
36- You lunge (or if space permits fleche) at elevator buttons.
37- You practice blade with work with any object.
Your practice footwork in any location.
38-You lunge for things that are just barely out of your reach, instead of walking the extra foot or two.
(from FaceBook Group by the same name)
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