You're free to do whatever you like."
(Jesus in The Shack)

What else would it be??
I sit here wondering how to go forward....
and I hear Kelly's voice in my head saying "Patience. Leigh you've got to have patience. You're not going to conquer this in a day."
How can someone who has known me for 2 months have me pegged so well.
Must really be God.
So, yes. Patience. With myself especially. I don't know why I can have so much grace, patience, whatever with other people but next to none for myself. Somehow I think I need to build Rome in a day lest the world come crashing down around my ears.
Will the world come to a screeching halt if I take a deep breath, relax, just be myself and enjoy life, God and myself even with all my foibles? As long as I maintain my world will not come to a screeching halt.
I think somewhere along the way I have obtained an overdeveloped sense of urgency.
And it affects absolutely everything.
Or maybe it's the fact that in a year and two months I'll be 40.
Whatever the problem maybe I should focus on patience.
Joy in little things.
Long term vision & development.
In just all things.
Drop the "urgency" for a while that is driving me like an abused wife.
Yeah. Patience. With myself.
I'm on a journey...I'm not dashing for a destination.
I will not ever "arrive", if you will, so why not enjoy the flowers along the way and stop obsessing about "getting there."
Yeah. I really do need patience with myself.
Maybe Kelly's right.
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