Instead I am sitting in the floor.
I am surrounded by the objects that represent my life.
A piste covered by fencing gear.
A prayer space complete with Eucharistic paraphernalia.
Books scattered around my feet as they spill from my bookcase.
My life.
This is who I am.
The books?
Shadow of the Almighty.
In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.
Epee 2.0
All That Was Ever Ours.
Running with Swords.
There's the one that screams my life.
Running with Swords.
It's supposed to be one of those expressions that gets you a "U" on your report card.
Like under "plays well with others".....
But to me it screams "LIFE!"
As in "grab a sword and run towards......"
That's who I am.
It's who I've always, always, always been.
A gentle warrior.
A lover of God. A lover of people.
But one who is not afraid to stand ground and fight.
Even more, one who grabs a sword and runs.
This is my strip.
These are my friends.
This is who I love and what I love.
This is what is honorable and right and true.
Holy and pure and just.
Joyful and full of life.
Very full of life.
This is what I have been given to do.
This is who I was created to be.
Get off my strip or fight.
I may not win. But I will die trying.
For the sake of love.
Because it's good and right that I do so.
And because everything I am wants to.................
I have a candle lit next to me.
It emits the scents of balsam and frankincense and myrrh.
It calls my soul to worship.
It thus stirs my memory.
And whispers......
All that was ever ours is ours forever, tender warrior.
The good and the bad.
It's mine forever.
Will it destroy or give growth?
My own memories, now having gone through the healing process, can destroy or lift up.
Both myself and others........
Be fully alive.
Be fully alive.
Run with your sword.
Love well.
Love well.
Run with your sword.
Rise up.
Rise up.
Run with your sword.
Run with your sword.
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